14 Best Indoor Palm Plants for Adding a Tropical Touch to Your Home
Liven up any room with these indoor palm plants that are easy to grow.
Liven up any room with these indoor palm plants that are easy to grow.
These nine types of indoor ferns make great houseplants. Get indoor fern care tips and display ideas to show off their fabulous fronds.
Learn how to grow monstera as a houseplant, including care needs such as amount of light, water, soil type, and the best fertilizer. Plus find out how to propagate and prune a monstera.
Misting plants is all over social media, thanks to the popularity of pretty plant misting bottles. But does misting or spritzing give your plants enough water? We talked to experts about whether misting houseplants gives them the care they need.
Get expert tips on indoor palm plant care to help you provide the right care and growing conditions.
Find out how to grow living stones, unique miniature succulents that look like pebbles. This guide covers how to care for living stone plants, including watering them just right to keep them thriving.
Find out which popular indoor vining plants as well as a few unusual options are the best for climbing walls, wrapping around stair railings, and spilling out of pots.
Tough, easy-care plants that don’t need water include snake plant, ponytail palm, aloe, burro's tail, and sago palm. They’re OK without too much TLC.
Our list of 24 eye-catching foliage plants will add color and texture to your home, and a few even bloom. We have tips for how to care for them, too.
These balcony plants adapt well to life in a container, and hold up well in the increased heat and wind of their elevated location.
From proper watering and heat to propagation and fertilizing, learn how to care for the twisted lipstick plant with this simple guide.
Learn how to propagate an aloe plant from pups, stem cuttings, and seeds using these simple plant propagation tips and step-by-step instructions.
These 12 stunning and unique succulent varieties will add excitement to your indoor garden.
These are the best low-light indoor plants if your home doesn't get much sun but you want to add greenery to your environment.
Tap water varies widely depending on how it's treated. Usually if it is safe for you to drink, it is safe for your plants.
Learn how to propagate a Christmas cactus in soil or water with these simple step-by-step instructions.
These hanging indoor plants will make the best use of your home's vertical spaces with their trailing stems, dangling leaves, and gracefully arching shapes.
Help your indoor garden thrive by avoiding these common houseplant care mistakes.
Learn how to grow a coffee plant indoors, including tips on light, humidity, watering, and pot size. This houseplant will add a tropical touch to your home with its glossy green leaves.
Rose of Jericho is a unique houseplant that can survive with minimal water, making it a great option for travelers and forgetful gardeners.