How to Plant and Grow a Cardamom Plant
Find essential tips for growing cardamom from seed and how to grow a cardamom plant in pots.
Find essential tips for growing cardamom from seed and how to grow a cardamom plant in pots.
Use these Brussels sprouts companion plants to deter garden pests naturally and boost your harvests.
Guava trees love tropical climates. They may not grow outdoors in many areas of the United States but you can grow them as a houseplant.
Learn to grow unique-tasting Pink Lemonade blueberries, which contain healthy antioxidants.
This guide explains how to grow chickpeas in warm or cool climates, including planting, care, and harvesting tips.
Blueberry season is when the fruit is at peak ripeness and ready to be harvested. Find out when blueberry season is in your area so you can pick the sweetest-tasting fruit.
If you see yellow leaves on tomato plants, here's how to diagnose and fix the problem.
Learn how to harvest cilantro from your herb gardens with these simple tips.
This simple guide will help you grow apricot trees and harvest your own fruit.
Keep pests at bay and enjoy a prolific harvest by companion planting peas with these veggies, herbs, and flowers.
Companion planting herbs, like sage and dill, can keep pests away while attracting pollinators. Find out how to use herbs as companion plants effectively.
When you see your pepper plant leaves curling, it's a sign of stress that could reduce your harvest. This guide will help you figure out if too much heat, pests, or other factors are the cause and how to fix it.
Learn how to prune basil correctly to delay flowering, encourage more leaves to grow, and take cuttings.
Use these tips for pruning blueberry bushes to keep your plants healthy and productive.
Knowing what not to plant with tomatoes can prevent pests and stunted plants. Avoid growing the following plants around tomatoes for a healthier garden.
Learn how to care for an anise plant, including planting, watering, and harvesting the flavorful seeds and leaves.
Find out how to grow scarlet runner bean, a vining plant that puts on a spectacular show in a sunny spot with its flowers that attract hummingbirds.
To produce strong, healthy grape vines, pruning is key. Use these tips and expert advice on how to prune your grape vines properly, including the best time to prune grape vines, tools to use, and mistakes to avoid.
Even if you missed the fall planting window, here's how you can plant garlic in spring and still get tasty greens and bulbs to eat.
Hardneck or softneck? Here’s what to know about different types of garlic and how to grow them.